WELCOME! You have stumbled into mysterious territory; a world of rhyme and reason that has no rhyme or reason. This is SHIRLEY'S WORLD, so check your common sense at the door.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Life Passes By

I sat at my window and watched the sun rise.
It's radiance awakened my soul to the day.
A souvenir of early rising, a token display.
The memory of it lingers on in my mind.

Once I heard the pounding of the ocean tide.  
I marveled at the span of infinite degree.
Its power laid out as far as any man can see.
'Tis now a memory that I cherish well.

I delight in thinking of my family and friends
That I have left behind in quest of life.
It causes pain in my spirit, it gives strife
To think I may not see them in this life again.

I've heard sweet music from the symphony.
I've seen the crane and heard its mating call.
I've felt the wonder of the buildings tall.
These thoughts will fade, resting long in my mind.

But, each moment of the day I walk with Him.
I am ever in His presence, safe and warm.
We talk in every moment, share no harm.
I know His power and love, and He knows me.

The never ending, awesome truth of God.
The Omnipresent and the  living Christ.
I go not one step without Him in my life.
He is no memory. He is now and forevermore.


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