WELCOME! You have stumbled into mysterious territory; a world of rhyme and reason that has no rhyme or reason. This is SHIRLEY'S WORLD, so check your common sense at the door.

Monday, April 29, 2019

When Jill Comes to Visit

My daughter flew in from Dallas to visit for a week. We love it when she comes because she doesn't come for a "visit" anymore as she did when her kids were young or when we were younger. Now when she comes it's usually to help us out in some way. When the folks get older they can't do all the things they used to be able to do, so even the grandkids get involved with helping out when they come for a visit.

Last year Jill came to drive us to Nebraska to see our sons. Ron hates to drive, and that was just too long a trip for me to be behind the wheel, and I don't fly, so she did the honors since she is a very good driver and loves to drive.

This time she came bearing gifts, a Nebraska gym bag for Ron, and a cute tea towel with little dachshunds on it for me. But while she was here she refused to be idle, and that's when she gave me one of the sweetest gifts ever. Every day I am so grateful.

Before she came she had asked me to give her something to do while she was here, so I suggested that she help dad finish up the refurbishing of the screen room on our deck by helping him put new screens in the windows. I really didn't understand what I was asking, I guess. I didn't think I was asking much, but I forgot who was going to be doing the work. Not everyone works in the same way that I work. Those two are much more methodical that I.

As it turned out, it took them the whole week to finish the job. It really was a pleasure watching and listening to them work because they get along so well and work well together. They both worked hard, but she worked harder. She was out there stapling screen when dad was in the house claiming he was just too worn out. She went out early, and she stayed out late, wanting to get it all done before she left for home.

By Friday the screens were in, even if the trim wasn't all done, and Jill decided to come along with me to my hairdresser and then she treated us to manicures. She and I even got to sit together during the manicure which made it so much more fun. That night she treated dad and I to dinner at one of our favorite restaurants, so it was a fun day.

So, she really, really came bearing gifts. But, my favorite gift, the one I experience every morning, is the gift of the screen room where I can go in the mornings and have special time alone with my Savior and King. Jill can never know how I cherish this gift. I love the towel, the time with her for a manicure, the delicious meal, all were wonderful, thoughtful gifts. But, I'm not sure she can ever top this special present of the screen room.

Monday, December 17, 2018

A Christmas Really Short Story

'Twas a month before Christmas and all through the house
We were cold and uneasy and starting to grouse.
The workers installed a new heat pump, you see,
And the thermostat since hadn't reached sixty-three.
The dogs were all shivering and curled up in balls
As Ron and I kept warm by frequenting the malls. 
It's Georgia, you see, and it's supposed to be warm.
But at least in November there's no tropical storm.
So, disguised as martyrs we snuggled in our bed,
With a space heater blowing heat over our heads.
We had to stay busy so we wouldn't freeze,
And the metal got colder in both of my knees.
We gave thanks on a Thursday with friends in their home.
They had turkey, we brought trimmings, we all brought our love.
On a Saturday morning Ron served cocoa brew
To some kids and their parents, and Santa Claus, too.
They partied all morning with crafts at the church,
While I, overseer, oversaw from my perch.
On a nice day I turned the big seven-O,
And I know that I haven't got very far to go.
So, Ron is the tower of strength in our home,
Doing dishes and vacuuming, so they finally get done.
The kids are all grown. There's no baby to rock.
Nobody wants presents, just money in their sock.
Way out here in Georgia, there's no family to haunt,
And a trip to Nebraska is too much of a jaunt.
There'll be no snow for Christmas, and it's 60 degrees.
If you want snow for Christmas you must flock your trees.
Your Flowery Branch friends wish you all Christmas joy
That comes from you knowing God's gift, His holy boy.
As we celebrate and honor the Christ child's birth
We look forward to His returning and His peace on the new earth.
Fare-thee-well is the sentiment as the last line I write:
Merry Christmas to all, and to all, a GOOD night!

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

The Snake

Creeping silently in the darkness    
Come the lies the world adores.
Dressed in fine exotic costumes,
Luring like a street corner whore.
Quietly hiding in dark corners,.
Waiting for precise moments when
The time arrives to take the prisoner.
Evil wins. It begins again.
Watch your back! You're seldom safe.
Guard your heart! Don't look away!
Evil lurks to take you captive.
Entering in wherever he may.

Monday, April 10, 2017

No Spring Chicken

I've gotten so old I can hardly walk.
I forget what I'm saying when I'm trying to talk.
I cannot leave home without taking my cane,
But they just can't find anything to jump start my brain.

My aching back would cause Hercules to weep.
It wakes me at night when I'm trying to sleep.
I have corns and bunions that are hard to remove.
They're quite bothersome when I get in my groove.

I have old age spots, cataracts, and weak knees.
I no longer tackle the stairsteps with ease.
I have twenty doctors for all of my ills.
And I'm sure that I rattle from all of my pills.

You'll have to speak up for it's now hard to hear.
Can't have sex anymore without stripping a gear.
My hands started shaking, the treadmill is sold
Cause it's tough falling off now that I am so old.

Happy Birthday to me! Senior citizen for hire!
Can't have birthday cake without starting a fire.
I'm begging for sympathy as I'm approaching the mold
Of a gaffer and codger now that I am so old.

Saturday, February 25, 2017


Once I was dead.
I enjoyed all the fun with the other dead people
Doing dead people fun.
I was cocky and proud,
And I'd spit in your face
If you'd try a discussion about Jesus and grace.
I hadn't the time
For reflection or guilt.
I lived my life my way.
It was carefully built.
But, oh! What a mess in my miserable home!
And still I refused
To step down from my throne.

The stench of my deadness
Was toxic and strong.
To know its extent would have filled you with dread.
My family suffered
From all my bad choices.
My focus was me.
I did nothing for you.

But the hand of grace
Worked in me over the years.
Little changes. Some regrets.
My mother's death, and my fears.
My sin was uncomfortable,
And I wanted out
Of this life I'd created and started to doubt.
The prayers of my mother and family were strong.
I'd held out a long time.
Some would say much too long.
Then one Saturday morning
A pastor came to our home,
And with serenity and peace
I stepped down from my throne.
The changes in my life
Were miraculous and true.
To obey Him and please Him
Is all I want to do.

I was hungry for Jesus.
I poured over His word.
I devoured every sentence.
I hid in my heart all I learned.
The purging and cleansing
Refining my life was not easy.
So much to remove it felt like a knife
That was carving and shaping
And soon I could see
The person I was becoming
Was the one I always wanted to be.
God's people were helpful.
God's people were fun.
I delighted in my new life
When each day was done.
God's people were accepting
Even when they knew
What I was before Jesus.
They were faithful and true.

Over thirty years now
I have reveled in His grace.
I have good days
And bad days when I fall on my face.
I'm not perfect, but I know
That the devil is on the run.
My Redeemer paid my ransom and the victory is won.

Love's Expression

His anger used to ruin my day;
His childish pouting to shut me out.
The years have opened wide my eyes.
I no longer suffer to his manipulative way.
For years I have chosen to simply ignore
The rants of the anger he cannot contain.
The source that enables my calmness with love
Is the source he refuses. He won't open that door.
So Jesus, my source of love, showed me a way
To display how I love him by using my art.
As I draw I think lovingly, keeping him close.
Each stroke that I make is to cheer up his day.
I have chosen a subject so dear to his heart.
I am eager to love him in my motherly way.
It's enough for the moment to love an adult child
In my late evening quietness while we are far apart.

Friday, November 11, 2016

The Narrow Butt Chair

As I pushed through the door it was daunting to see
That no thought had been given to people like me.
It's the furnishing gurus that boggle my brain,
Who, along with society our big butts disdain.

I took it all in, every chair in the room
Was for narrow butt people. Oh! The sadness and gloom!
So, I gave them my name. Then I nestled in
To a narrow butt chair with a sigh and chagrin.
I waited for nursie to call out my name
While I played Words With Friends who could put me to shame.
Soon I heard her call out, and I answered with cheer,
"I'll be with you, darlin' when I get out of here."

I started to rise from the seat where I perched,
And I struggled and pitched, and I wriggled and lurched.
I stood halfway up, for my chair was attached
To my backside quite firmly as if something I'd hatched.
As a tear trickled downward I glanced at my nurse.
I saw sympathy in her because of my curse.

So, she grabbed both the armrests and pulled while I pushed.
By the time I saw doctor I was side-sore and bushed.
Oh, have pity you decorators! I cry out in despair!
How embarrassing to be trapped in a narrow butt chair!