WELCOME! You have stumbled into mysterious territory; a world of rhyme and reason that has no rhyme or reason. This is SHIRLEY'S WORLD, so check your common sense at the door.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

It's All In A Word

I love to explore it! Imagination gets stirred
When I dwell on the prospect of an exciting new word.
As my heart's beating faster, poetic juices are spurred.
Productivity is altered, household chores are deferred.

I've no time for the usual. My computer is preferred.
The sound of its humming can be overheard.
The time spent reflecting can be quite absurd.
Ah! Such is the life of a genuine word nerd.

If you listen quite closely the sounds can be heard
Over flutters and chirping of the tiniest bird.
It's the ooing and aahing of thoughts undeterred,
And the pronunciations that never get slurred.

And late in the evening when the eyes are so blurred
They will wish that the images that they incurred
Did not appear fuzzy, or fraggled or furred.
A word that is written must never be whirred.

And so,  my obsession with quips that I've heard,
And all this rejoicing of each little word
Are taking their toll on the brain that it stirred.
And such is the life of a certified word nerd.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Party Animals

                                              "The Third-term Panic" by Thomas Nast, published 
                                                                            in 1874 by Harper's Weekly, on a      
                                                                 possible third term by President Ulysses S. Grant.

                                                           HARPER'S WEEKLY 

I pondered one day, just who started this mess
Of two party animals that cause us such stress.
This all needs explaining about these great goons.
It's the Dems. and the Reps. and their animal cartoons.
The donkey was first for a staunch democrat.
It was given to him who had thrown in his hat
For the campaign for president in 1828.
Andrew Jackson's his name. President was his fate.
It seems that a famous cartoonist named Nast
Then used the poor donkey to settle and cast
This animal firmly in a democrat cartoon.
And there it was set for those democrat baboons.
Thomas Nast was the same guy in 1874
Who used the cartoon as he had once before.
A jackass chasing animals that lived in a zoo.
But the elephant stood still to represent you-know-who.
The republican vote took the elephant as theirs
And decided that Nast had finally answered their prayers.
Harpers Weekly was the paper that started it all.
And now every paper has answered the call.

The Reps. and the Dems. for once got things their way.
And the symbols are enduring to this very day.


Tuesday, July 14, 2015

My Laundry Quandry

I opened the door to the laundry room
And decided to face my eminent doom.
I don't have to look, cause I know there's a ton.
Today is the day to get the laundry done!

I started to sort the whites from the reds,
And soon I had clothes towering over my head.
Then the pile toppled my way, so I started to run.
Oh, I've just GOT to get this laundry done!

And, wouldn't you know it? I heard the phone ring!
Hallelujah! It's about time someone called on that thing!
It's the hubby. Wants to know why his shorts he has none.
Would I PLEASE try to get today's laundry done?

"I know. I've been busy running errands and such.
No! I don't think that I have been shopping too much!
Yes. I'll get to it now. You can count on me, Hon."
Now I've REALLY got to get today's laundry done.

But, there's groceries to buy, and I've got this new book.
I've got supper to make, and I have nothing to cook.
Just then Cindy stopped by. Let's go have us some fun!
Yes. Tomorrow's a good day to get my laundry done.