WELCOME! You have stumbled into mysterious territory; a world of rhyme and reason that has no rhyme or reason. This is SHIRLEY'S WORLD, so check your common sense at the door.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

The Terrible Plight of the In-ear Cell Phone User

            I stood in the doorway and covered my ears.            
The voices that haunt me are back, it appears.
Why do they keep talking? Please leave me alone!
Oh, why did I buy this in-ear cell phone?

People must think I'm crazy. They're starting to stare
As I talk to these voices that loom everywhere!
They're in the supermarkets. They're in the auto shop.
God help me! I think the my head's going to pop!

  However did this happen? Am I going insane?
The voices just keep on talking even when I refrain.
I asked for a refund from Apple, but NO!
They refused my inquiry and told me to GO!

So, I am resolved to believe I've gone mad.
With the voices and laughter, I've definitely had
Enough of this crazy, mind boggling display.
I can bear it no longer!  Please, just take me away!

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