WELCOME! You have stumbled into mysterious territory; a world of rhyme and reason that has no rhyme or reason. This is SHIRLEY'S WORLD, so check your common sense at the door.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

I Didn't

Yesterday I saw him as he shopped.
I wanted to tell him he's been on my mind,
And I pray for him. I know things have been tough.
I should have offered help in his time of need.
But, I didn't.

I saw her at the doctor's office last week.
She said the tests they ran were many and bleak.
I wanted to tell her Christ is the real hope,
And I should have told her how He rescued me.
But, I didn't.

She called me once again to share her woes.
I rolled my eyes and settled in my chair.
I should have offered to go and hold her hand.
I should have cared enough to do what I can.
But, I didn't.

Life is hard, we suffer with its hardness and cares.
When Jesus gives opportunities to help,
We should be eager to lend a hand.
Our stories of salvation, healing, and hope
Are the words that sometimes lifts a loved one up.
We have so much to offer, our resources to aid,
Our time is better spent with one who hurts.
I should have given my all to help my friends.
But I didn't.

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