WELCOME! You have stumbled into mysterious territory; a world of rhyme and reason that has no rhyme or reason. This is SHIRLEY'S WORLD, so check your common sense at the door.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Things I don't like;
Hypocrisy, Mediocrity, Jealousy, Girdles,
Despotism, Communism, Hard to overcome Hurdles,
Heretics, Lunatics, Baby Ticks, Horses,
Racists, Fascists, Nudists, Evil Forces.

Things I like;
Puppies, Kitties, Guppies, Noodles,
Shopping, Crafting, Reading, Poodles,
Springtime, Coffee Time, Bed Time, Laughter,
Friendships, Day Trips, Shouting up to the Rafters.

Things I don't like;
Liars, Beer, Mud, Cigarette Smoke,
Tardiness, Loneliness, Heat, Being Broke,
Haters, Fakers, People who don't Care,
Doctors, Dentists, Signs that say Beware.

Things I really, really like;
Loving, Giving, Sharing, Kisses,
Chocolate, Ice Cream, When School Dismisses.
Air Conditioning, Kids, Facebook, Ron,
Sunsets, Football, Tennis, Dawn,
Gardening, Spending, Singing, Food,
Jesus, Roses, Coloring, Good.


  1. Thought provoking... Keep em coming ,Shirley !

  2. thank you, Valerie. there is nothing in this world, or out of it, that doesn't provoke thought for me. i love to think and i love to learn.
