WELCOME! You have stumbled into mysterious territory; a world of rhyme and reason that has no rhyme or reason. This is SHIRLEY'S WORLD, so check your common sense at the door.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Listening To My Childhood

Sounds of my childhood.........

Locusts humming on a summer night.
My mom singing while at the clothesline.
A bouncing basketball on the gravel in the alley.
Fighting cats outside my bedroom window.
Saturday night Shock Theater at 11 o'clock music that frightened me.
My mom calling me from the back porch just after dark. "Shirley ANN!"
My ocarina as I play Roses Are Red My Love.

My mother telling me to clean up my plate.
Peewee, the parakeet, telling me to clean up my plate.
Peewee laughing like my mom and talking.


Mom and dad talking on the front porch.
Dad playing his harmonica and singing on the front porch.
Dad's laughter, loud and hearty.
Mom's laughter, loud and joyful.

Harriet Hunker's mom calling her to come home.
Sherry's mom calling her to come home, "Cher-YL!"
Mary Casey yelling, "Annie Annie Over" from the other side of their garage.
Lawnmowers roaring.

The wringer washing machine on the back porch going, slosh, slosh in rhythmic tune.
Mom singing at the clothesline.
Waking up to mom singing in the kitchen. 


Shock Theatre 

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