WELCOME! You have stumbled into mysterious territory; a world of rhyme and reason that has no rhyme or reason. This is SHIRLEY'S WORLD, so check your common sense at the door.

Friday, October 23, 2015


It's a place of confinement with shutters all around.
Not a sound enters in to soothe or mask the pain.
The shutters won't open for just a glimpse of sun.
They've bolted all the doors, and no escape remains.

Frantically I search the walls for glitches they've not seen.
Running in circles, reaching out for hidden roads to take.
There's nothing. No one. It seems they all rush by.
Their life explodes with laughter and, like fine glass, mine breaks.

Unknown voices venture closer. Do they threaten? Are they mine?
How I need a voice of reason in my maddening despair!
As the voices strive to calm my anxious spirit, I can see
The walls begin to crumble, small rays of hope lurking there.

It's a tragic, solitary place of doubt and fear, like dying.
The loneliness of being lost in a strange and hostile world.
The demons crouch and hover, taking all the breath you have.
It's the loneliest place I've ever been, where I am broken and hurled.

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