His grandmother stood just inches away from him
When I slowly removed his fingers from my hand.
And his world changed forever, and the moment was so grand!
Wasn't it just yesterday when the nurse entered my room,
And blasting from the blanket was this shocking red hair!
I recognized my father in the countenance of my child,
And smiled with acceptance of his temper, fierce and wild.
Wasn't it just yesterday they leaned over me and proclaimed
The birth of a beautiful daughter. I sobbed with joyful tears.
She was the one who kept me grounded and led me to the Lord.
She gave me peace of mind that I sought, but could never afford.
Whatever happened to yesterday? Where has the time all gone?
Wasn't it here a moment ago? Now it's nowhere to be found.
Now yesterday lingers in memories and lives within my tears.
I've found that it can be yesterday in the reminiscence of the years.
Enjoyed this very much. Hit a spot in my heart as I reminiscenced my yesterdays. Thanks, Love Ya