WELCOME! You have stumbled into mysterious territory; a world of rhyme and reason that has no rhyme or reason. This is SHIRLEY'S WORLD, so check your common sense at the door.

Friday, November 11, 2016

The Narrow Butt Chair

As I pushed through the door it was daunting to see
That no thought had been given to people like me.
It's the furnishing gurus that boggle my brain,
Who, along with society our big butts disdain.

I took it all in, every chair in the room
Was for narrow butt people. Oh! The sadness and gloom!
So, I gave them my name. Then I nestled in
To a narrow butt chair with a sigh and chagrin.
I waited for nursie to call out my name
While I played Words With Friends who could put me to shame.
Soon I heard her call out, and I answered with cheer,
"I'll be with you, darlin' when I get out of here."

I started to rise from the seat where I perched,
And I struggled and pitched, and I wriggled and lurched.
I stood halfway up, for my chair was attached
To my backside quite firmly as if something I'd hatched.
As a tear trickled downward I glanced at my nurse.
I saw sympathy in her because of my curse.

So, she grabbed both the armrests and pulled while I pushed.
By the time I saw doctor I was side-sore and bushed.
Oh, have pity you decorators! I cry out in despair!
How embarrassing to be trapped in a narrow butt chair!

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