WELCOME! You have stumbled into mysterious territory; a world of rhyme and reason that has no rhyme or reason. This is SHIRLEY'S WORLD, so check your common sense at the door.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Wondering Through The Day

Did you ever wonder if God is concerned
about what you just said or did?
Have you ever considered that what seemed so right
was quite hurtful to the Father instead?
Did you know He delights in you, knows you by name,
and He cherishes the time that you pray?
He enjoys taking care of you, guarding your soul,
and He sings over you every day.**

Do you listen to your words? Do you talk about friends?
Do you think He would like what He hears?
Have you thanked Him today for His goodness and grace
that has helped you to overcome fears?
Do you hunger for His presence and seek Him each day?
Do you long for His wisdom and care?
He's a very doting Father, and He guides us on
to complete all that He has started here.

He reminded me this morning that He's listening and He cares.
He told me that I need to guard my way.
For life has a tendency of making us forget
that my Father holds my hand and guides each day.
And I know when life's completed, and He comes to take me home
I'll be ready and refined by His loving hand.
I'm free to do the choosing when the question is said and done,
But, for God and Christ and Spirit I'll make my stand.

**Zephaniah 3:17

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