WELCOME! You have stumbled into mysterious territory; a world of rhyme and reason that has no rhyme or reason. This is SHIRLEY'S WORLD, so check your common sense at the door.

Monday, December 17, 2018

A Christmas Really Short Story

'Twas a month before Christmas and all through the house
We were cold and uneasy and starting to grouse.
The workers installed a new heat pump, you see,
And the thermostat since hadn't reached sixty-three.
The dogs were all shivering and curled up in balls
As Ron and I kept warm by frequenting the malls. 
It's Georgia, you see, and it's supposed to be warm.
But at least in November there's no tropical storm.
So, disguised as martyrs we snuggled in our bed,
With a space heater blowing heat over our heads.
We had to stay busy so we wouldn't freeze,
And the metal got colder in both of my knees.
We gave thanks on a Thursday with friends in their home.
They had turkey, we brought trimmings, we all brought our love.
On a Saturday morning Ron served cocoa brew
To some kids and their parents, and Santa Claus, too.
They partied all morning with crafts at the church,
While I, overseer, oversaw from my perch.
On a nice day I turned the big seven-O,
And I know that I haven't got very far to go.
So, Ron is the tower of strength in our home,
Doing dishes and vacuuming, so they finally get done.
The kids are all grown. There's no baby to rock.
Nobody wants presents, just money in their sock.
Way out here in Georgia, there's no family to haunt,
And a trip to Nebraska is too much of a jaunt.
There'll be no snow for Christmas, and it's 60 degrees.
If you want snow for Christmas you must flock your trees.
Your Flowery Branch friends wish you all Christmas joy
That comes from you knowing God's gift, His holy boy.
As we celebrate and honor the Christ child's birth
We look forward to His returning and His peace on the new earth.
Fare-thee-well is the sentiment as the last line I write:
Merry Christmas to all, and to all, a GOOD night!

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