WELCOME! You have stumbled into mysterious territory; a world of rhyme and reason that has no rhyme or reason. This is SHIRLEY'S WORLD, so check your common sense at the door.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

The Most Beautiful Flower

The most beautiful creation on earth is a flower. 
Some stately and tall, some dainty and small.
They capture my fancy for hour upon hour.
But the iris is most beautiful of all.

The iris blooms early in the cool of the Spring.
Its companions are peonies and poppies and such.
Their soft fragrance lifts the heart, melodies to sing.
Soft as fine silk and like satin to touch.

                                             Their breath but a whisper, they fade all too soon.
Their countenance flutters and waves in the breeze.
They pose tall and elegant in yellows and blues.
God gave them a presence to calm and to please.

I cherish the roses, the daisies and phlox,
The pansies and marigolds aligned on my cart.
I adore the strong succulents that thrive in the rocks.
And the lilies come closest to stealing my heart.

But, how I love the iris over all of the rest!
It reigns in my garden, overshadowing the whole.
Yes, it's only the iris that stands to the test
Of pleasing my senses and soothing my soul.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Whatever Happened to Yesterday?

Wasn't it just yesterday that my child took his first steps?
His grandmother stood just inches away from him
When I slowly removed his fingers from my hand.
And his world changed forever, and the moment was so grand!

Wasn't it just yesterday when the nurse entered my room,
And blasting from the blanket was this shocking red hair!
I recognized my father in the countenance of my child,
And smiled with acceptance of his temper, fierce and wild.

Wasn't it just yesterday they leaned over me and proclaimed
The birth of a beautiful daughter. I sobbed with joyful tears.
She was the one who kept me grounded and led me to the Lord.
She gave me peace of mind that I sought, but could never afford.

Whatever happened to yesterday? Where has the time all gone?
Wasn't it here a moment ago? Now it's nowhere to be found.
Now yesterday lingers in memories and lives within my tears.
I've found that it can be yesterday in the reminiscence of the years.

Friday, August 21, 2015

What If?

What if I left the house today and got hit by a car?
What if I play it safe and stay home? Who'll pay my rent?
What if I love that man and he doesn't love me?
What if I love anyway and enjoy the time spent?
What if I let go of my child's hand and he falls on his face?
What if I grasp him so tightly he never grows?
What if I climb that mountain and die in an avalanche?
What if I do something awesome and no one knows?
What if I write that book and no one reads it?
What if I don't tell the memories my grandchildren want to hear?
What if I clean my house today and no one visits?
What if I leave it a mess because I think no one cares?
What if I speak to that woman and she turns away from me?
What if I keep to myself and I have no friends?
What if I laugh and no one laughs with me?
What if I don't join the group? What message will it send?
What if I study hard and still fail the test?
What if I don't study and just get a passing grade?
What if I act like it doesn't matter?
What if I just forget all the promises I made?
What if I choose to be friendly and happy?
What if I choose to love every disagreeable human?
What if I laugh and gather all my loved ones around me?
What if I revel in and choose to enjoy the  friendship of every man?
What if I treat people as if each one matters to me?
What if I remember to obey and delight in God's Word?
What if I choose to make a difference in the world, no matter what?
What if I make people glad I stopped being so absurd?