The most beautiful creation on earth is a flower.
Some stately and tall, some dainty and small.
They capture my fancy for hour upon hour.
The iris blooms early in the cool of the Spring.
Its companions are peonies and poppies and such.
Their soft fragrance lifts the heart, melodies to sing.
Soft as fine silk and like satin to touch.
Their breath but a whisper, they fade all too soon.
Their countenance flutters and waves in the breeze.
They pose tall and elegant in yellows and blues.
God gave them a presence to calm and to please.
I cherish the roses, the daisies and phlox,
The pansies and marigolds aligned on my cart.
I adore the strong succulents that thrive in the rocks.
And the lilies come closest to stealing my heart.
But, how I love the iris over all of the rest!
It reigns in my garden, overshadowing the whole.
Yes, it's only the iris that stands to the test
Of pleasing my senses and soothing my soul.