I love to explore it! Imagination gets stirred
When I dwell on the prospect of an exciting new word.
As my heart's beating faster, poetic juices are spurred.
Productivity is altered, household chores are deferred.
I've no time for the usual. My computer is preferred.
The sound of its humming can be overheard.
The time spent reflecting can be quite absurd.
Ah! Such is the life of a genuine word nerd.
If you listen quite closely the sounds can be heard
Over flutters and chirping of the tiniest bird.
It's the ooing and aahing of thoughts undeterred,
And the pronunciations that never get slurred.
And late in the evening when the eyes are so blurred
They will wish that the images that they incurred
Did not appear fuzzy, or fraggled or furred.
A word that is written must never be whirred.
And so, my obsession with quips that I've heard,
And all this rejoicing of each little word
Are taking their toll on the brain that it stirred.
And such is the life of a certified word nerd.