WELCOME! You have stumbled into mysterious territory; a world of rhyme and reason that has no rhyme or reason. This is SHIRLEY'S WORLD, so check your common sense at the door.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Wonderful Spring


I want to write about Spring, but it's all been said before.
I want to express this joy from within of the beauty outside my door.
I long to relate all the joys that come of watching each bud anew.
But the masters have all accomplished this art of drawing these pictures for you.

Each word that I mull is failure. Yet, I strive to be up to the task.
There's this feeling of bliss from the kiss of the rays of the sun in which I bask.
An eruption of pleasure escapes from my lips. My eyes are wet with delight.
New life brings excitement and happiness after long and cold winter nights.

The eternal beauty of Spring is the splendor of our God in each flower
Returning each year in His glory of His exquisite creation and power.
No other art can compare to His might as His beauty around the world rings.
It's joy and contentment that makes my heart shout when I ponder the wonders of Spring.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


I've learned to be happy wherever I'm at.
I don't need stimulation and fanfare.
I can breeze through a novel or stand on Times Square.
And have fun with each woman and man there.
It's a mystery to me how this all comes about,
How I easily exist every day there.
I'm always content to be where I'm at,
But I'm never content to stay there.

It's a silly conclusion that sounds quite bizarre.
Is it possible I am mistaken?
Indeed, do I never become discontent?
Do I never feel frazzled  and shaken?
How does one feel pleased with life, not needing more,
Yet determined not to wallow away there?
How is it today can be just what I want,
But tomorrow I don't want to stay there?

I grasp every tidbit of knowledge I find.
I devour each occasion around me.
I enjoy all the people. I love and I laugh,
Then let absolute silence surround me.
It's because I don't need them to fulfill my life.
I've a Savior that shows me my way there.
I'm always content to be where I'm at,
But I'm never content to stay there.